We're worried about those not getting checks. We're worried those checks aren't enough. We're worried about those out of work. We're worried about the first responders. We're worried about those out of work. We're worried about the single moms trying to homeschool and work. We're worried about the working moms trying to work and homeschool. We're worried for children stuck in the house with abusivve parents. We're worried about those drinking too much. We're worried about the state of the economy - and who this virus is going to take next. We're worried about tomorrow.
BUT wee are told, "Don't worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow has enough cares of its own." Still, what about TODAY? The words of the old hymn comes back to me. "Because He lives, we can face tomorrow." And so we can get through today. Do we not remember that after Good Friday, came the Spirit to those in the upper room?
They went from being scared, grieving, despairing followers as they huddled together in that room - to courageous, filled, being willing to die to spread the good news.
We can have that spirit. I see people who have that spirit who have been knocked over from this life way before the virus. They know the good news, despite the bad news they face. They are my heroes. They are the overcomers.
I'll glance at the news. I'll spend some time being informed of this world. But I'll spend time accessing that spirit - especially when the world starts to overwhelm. It's there in the Word - if we spend time to let the Spirit speak through it. It's out of this world. It's a peace that passes understanding in a very non-peaceful world. And it's real. I see it in the overcomers.
That same spirit is here TODAY, to be accessed just by asking. Ask, seek, knock. Because of Good Friday, that door will be answered.

He tried to tell them.
But they didn't know.
Their hope was gone.
They loved Him so.
The darkest day,
After the brightest light.
He was gone, snuffed out.
And they fled in fright.
He told them His body
Would be broken for them.
They watched it happen.
The worst sorrow - and then...
We know the story -
That Easter morn
When the world was changed,
The veil was torn.
And out of the grave
To them He appeared.
They told of His story
Down through the years.
It looked so bad -
Like all was lost.
But the world was given
A gift beyond cost.
And now this year
We again celebrate
That same old story
That can decide our fate.
But this year,
An invisible war we face
But is it really different
When each day we see the trace...
Of the evil one.
Who lurks to kill.
The end of the story
We celebrate still.
For no matter what trials
We face on this earth,
Because of Good Friday
We can have a rebirth.
Though all looked bleak
As it does for us now.
We're stuck in our homes
And though worried, somehow...
We see glimpses of
How He'll use it for good,
Althought we don't see
How He could.
We have faith that one day
He will restore us.
We will love one another.
We will sing in one chorus.
Though this world may change
And we might do without,
There STILL is
For if that dark Friday
Could bring Easter Day.
Then we trust that even now
We simply can say:
We'll wait once again
With trust and hope,
Through the darkness and the fear
Somehow we'll cope.
Because when after the cross
He came out of the grave
We know He's still with us
To comfort and save.