Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Circle of Life


To everything there is a season...I'm reflecting on that as I watch some of life's passages changing right in front of my eyes.  Often changes are barely preceivable - such as when you look in the mirror and think, "How did I get this old?"  But sometimes big changes happen dramatically.

My family is currently experiencing fall, spring and winter at the same time! My son has recently found the woman of his dreams and will be married this summer, my daughter has delivered a precious new granddaughter into our midst, and my mother at 92, in the winter of her life has been peacefully waiting reunion with her husband in heaven and was granted her passage on May 29.

When my faither died at age 62, I remember one sympathy card that said there is nothing that will make you look more closely at what you really believe than staring into the grave of a loved one.  Having said my goodbyes to my mother more than once totally believing she has gone to a better place, watching the new love that has bloomed in my son, and witnessing the miracle of a new, perfectly formed baby has done that for me.

Life surely is a journey - and for me, only makes sense in the light of my faith.  Knowing God has our days numbered, our trials planned for good, and enough blessings to give us glimpses of heaven brings a serenity and appreciation for both the good and the not-so-good days along the way.

It brings such comfort to know that the simplicity of the Serenity Prayer really does give us a blueprint for taking life as it accept the things we cannot change, have the courage to change the things we can, and have the wisdom to know the difference.  It was an especially great comfort to see a devotional book based on this prayer at mom's bedside the last visit I had with her.  She truly did have the serenity to accept what she could not change at age 92.

So for now, I am basking in the blessings of the fall and the spring and rejoicing that the winter did not bring too much suffering but rather a peaceful fading.  And I wait with expectancy for the seasons to continue to circle - for the spring and fall to fade, for the winter to pass, and for new blessings and trials to continue to emerge with the ever-present opportunity to define my faith, to test it, and confirm it. 

The Circle of Life

Seasons come and seasons go,
Spring becomes summer, winter - fall.
It's beyond our control.  We don't write the script.
It's only God that reigns over all.

Babies are born,
Marriages made,
Death comes to each one
Defying plans that are laid.

And so if we finally accept
What we must
And take what we're given
And forget our lust...

For more than we're granted,
We'll have peaceful days,
Accepting the hardships,
Being ready for praise.

For the circle of life
Comes and it goes.
It includes winter
But in its throes

We must not forget
Any blessings that come
Giving us glimpses of what
Are only some

Of what is in store
If we faithfully keep
Our eyes turned toward
Him who will keep

Us under His wing
Until that day
When the circle stops
And in heaven we'll stay.


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