Friday, August 29, 2014

Up the Creek Without a Paddle

How many of us have felt the icy fingers of fear? When circumstances surround you that truly threaten to overwhelm, and you feel like you’re drowning and will be taken under for the last time, it’s an emotion common to man. Your flight or fight response kicks in. Some of us want to withdraw and pull the covers over our heads. Others have the default of lashing out at anyone that might be in the way or have a different opinion or perspective on the situation. Your mind perseverates over options like a whirlpool threatening to suck you down as you pluck at solutions on the way into the abyss producing grating notes of panic like a broken record of discordant sounds.
Recently I had a few days where I felt like that. Thankfully it was only a few days until I got a hold of the Lord’s hand and have let Him walk me through the possibilities and the truth of the situation. I’ve also walked with a friend who is going through a much more significant reason for fear. My prayer list reflects the knowledge of many people around me struggling for sanity in the midst of much more dire circumstances that have sent me into a tailspin.
Recently my bible study (thank the Lord for women to study with and teachers insightful that gave me new insight into 2 Corinthians 12.) This is that familiar verse where Paul boasts of his weakness, so that the power of Christ may rest upon him (vs. 9). How counterintuitive!!! Weakness so that power may be revealed??? He goes on to say that he has repeatedly asked the Lord to take away His thorn but the Lord said to him, “My grace is sufficient for you, my power is made perfect in weakness.” (vs. 7,8,9) And Paul concludes: For the sake of Christ, then I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak I am strong. (vs. 10).
When I am weak, I am strong. When I am weak I am strong. Not an easy concept to tell your panicking mind in the throes of your weakness careening you into the black tunnel of fear.
Recently I was in a study on Gideon where we saw that when he was most panicked about fighting the Midianites, Gideon sought the Lord passionately and was led through to victory. The Lord even had him reduce his army to only 300 men in order that there would be no question that the victory was the Lord’s! But we saw later, in Gideon’s plenty, he did not hear God speak into his life because he no longer clung to Him so desperately.
And so, when thrown into the turbulent river where fear threatens to overwhelm, we have to do what Paul and Gideon did: lift our eyes to heaven. Lie back in the waters and hold onto the oar that is our only hope of getting to safety; not to panic like the drowning victim that fights his rescuer, but to go with the flow of whatever situation is happening, waiting on the Lord before you take a step or give a response. WAITing on the Lord. WAITing on the Lord. Not trying your own quick fixes and trying to struggle out of the circumstances, but WAITing until He gives you a nudge that you confirm seems to be a word of guidance rather that a quick response of panic. Resisting your impulse to fight and struggle, or to despair and give into hysterics, but to surrender to GO WITH THE FLOW, knowing He can see where this raging river turns into calm water. And that He will bring you there with Him. He always does you know. He always HAS you know, if you but think back to similar situations.
That acronym of False Evidence Appearing Real, is so true. The devil wants us to give into our paralyzing emotions, where we lash out and we see the worst case scenario looming like the edge of the waterfall we envision falling over screaming in terror… which might not even be part of this stream of circumstances!!!
Priscilla Shirer in her study of Gideon makes this amazing statement: WE WILL EXPERIENCE MORE VICTORY IF WE CHOOSE TO SURRENDER. In my life coaching materials, we have a Surrender Exercise that is vital to the process. SURRENDER. Lying back in our Rescuer’s arms even as the waters threaten to overcome. Listening to His voice (that means getting in the Word!!!!); when all you want to do is talk about it or think about it until the solution comes out of the barrage of lament, instead of getting quiet and waiting for His still small voice that we have heard so many times. It is so hard to get quiet enough to listen, especially in the face of calamity.
But I have seen that face be faced. I saw it at the head of a casket recently with a wife’s sweet smile across a crowded sanctuary of mourners, often comforting others who came to comfort her. The worst had happened; her husband was taken way too soon. A vibrant, giving man with an obituary a mile long of accomplishments and service to mankind, snuffed out like a bright light in a storm. But despite the sadness, there was a smile and a calm that spoke volumes about the heaven she was envisioning for her loved one and believed with no question.
And at bible study, I hear prayer requests shared from deep within aching hearts, yet with a peace and calm in the face of many different traumas of life, with the sweet restraint of trust and belief in the power of prayer. Some of these requests are shared once again, still sending sharp shards of pain, even after years of laying the request at the feet of Jesus and walking away in a quiet knowing that if he won’t change the circumstance for reasons beyond our comprehension, He will change our heart and its ability to love and cope in the midst of the storm.
He is our Rescuer. Only when I allow Him to rescue me can I hope to have any strength at all. When I am weak I am strong. I’m beginning to get it.
Power is Perfected in Weakness
Power is perfected in weakness.
So then where, Lord, is that power?
I’m overcome by powerlessness.
Fear abounds hour after hour.

It rises up within me,
Threatens to paralyze.
My mind is held captive
By the devil and His web of lies.

Up the creek without a paddle…
That’s exactly how it has begun to feel.
But then I remember the acronym:
False Evidence Appearing Real.

I know You are always with me.
But You feel nowhere near.
So I try to lay back in your arms
And refuse to give into the fear.

I know all things work together
For good, no matter how bad.
You’ve always used hard times to grow me.
If I’m honest I’ve never been had!

No matter how dark the valley,
You’ve always taken me through.
Why should I doubt this time?
That is exactly what You will do.

So as my boat is capsized,
I don’t panic, let go of the oars.
I hang onto your promises
And wait til you open the door
Of heaven and come down and rescue,
Again and again and again.
Now I see my panic
Is truly a form of sin.

So I keep my wits about me.
Though capsized I go with the flow.
I wait for that quiet knowing.
I lay back until I know
Your arms are tight around me.
Though turbulent waters threaten to drown.
For when I’m weak you are closest
If I but look up and not down.

Thank you heavenly Father
For speaking once again to this child.
I am strong though I am weak
As long as we’re reconciled.

-by Sherrill Schlimpert,
based on the wisdom of my friend Sarah,
who is an earthly example of weathering the storms of
life with grace and dignity and strength.

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