Thursday, January 11, 2018

LIGHT in the Darkness

      On this quiet winter night, I finally have slowed down enough after the holidays to write what has become my semi-annual blog.  It's been mulling in my mind for the past month like aging wine.   My thoughts keep being drawn to one word.  It seems that's the way God talks to me.  A word comes to my attention that I keep noticing.   This time it's Light.  The word light.   Somehow I just began to notice the concept of light which seemed to give me pause. I began to notice a message forming in my mind whenever I would see the Christmas lights on the houses and mantles and trees.  But that wasn't all.  I kept noticing it.  There was the star of Bethlehem.  And the shepherds who the glory of the Lord shone about them.  And the Magic Tree at church.  And the advent candles lit one by one.

     John tells us that "Through Him all things were made...In Him was life, and that life was the light of men.  The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it."  John 1: 3 -5. Jesus himself uses the word light often:  "Believe in the light while you have the light, so that you may become children of light. " John 12:36

      Shouldn't children of light notice the light?   I think now on the miracle that light is.  A sunrise.  The moon.  The flame of an open fire.  A beam of sunlight streaming in through the window.  The rainbow that forms as the hose watering flowers hits the light just right on summer day.  The child born out of the womb of darkness into the light of day.  And even though scientists have found a way to harness electricity - the electric light is still a marvel.
     Can we understand any of these?  Do we become so accustomed to the light that our hearts are darkened to the miracle of it?   Are we children of light that have become entitled to its luxury?

     Yet, we all have known darkness.  Darkness in the night.  Darkness in the wrestling of our soul.  Darkness in evil and hate and sickness, hurt and suffering and bullying and persecution.  Darkness in betrayal and disappointment, in politics, in crime and broken relationships.

     But when goodness and beauty and light prevail, even for a moment,  why are we not amazed and thankful?   Or have our eyes become accustomed to the darkness?   Do we even seek the light?  The true Light?  Or just shadows that momentarily satisfy?  Do we  only seek the thrill of man-made lights in a sports stadium or a rock band's strobe or the flicker of the latest blockbuster movie screen?

     There are many glimpses of light and goodness on this earth that give us a taste of heaven.  For it is only God who created light out of darkness.  "The earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep... And God said, "Let there be light and there was light.  God saw that the light was good and He separated the light from darkness."  Genesis 1: 2-4.  In 2 Corinthians 4:6 we're told,  "For God who said, "Let the light shine out of darkness, made the light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God's glory displayed in the face of Christ."

     And His Son said clearly,  "I am the light of the world."

     How many sunsets and sunrises do I not stop to see because I am scurrying around with my heart and plans attached to the dark earth?   How many times do my thoughts turn dark because I am not looking to the One who is the light?   How many times is the true Light dimmed against lights of the tv or computer or phone screen that my eyes are glued to?

     Having just been in the dark pit of lethargy and lack of  any zest for life that sinus infections always seem to throw me into, I am especially sensitive to the light of health right now - so thankful to be feeling life.  Any spark of joy, of appreciation, of comfort is like a ray of sunshine permeating the gray of sickness that dulls the senses.  Yet, I know this was just a semi-darkness -  many in this world are in their own types of  smothering darkness -  suffering from black clouds that are emotional, relational, financial or physical.  And yet, without darkness would the light shine as bright?

     Years ago the motivational speaker Zig Ziglar suggested the concept of go-lights. That whenever we stopped at a stoplight, it would be the time to give a green light in our mind to some positive thoughts.  Positive thoughts can certainly add a pre-dawn type of light to the world but they are night-lights compared to the glory of the Lord.  In first Peter 2:9 we are told that we are "a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light."   Shouldn't  that give us cause to have the light of joy in our hearts even on the darkest day?

     For 2 Peter 1:19 also cautions us that "we also have the prophetic message as something completely reliable, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns, and the morning star rises in your hearts."  In the midst of all the rancor and hate and bitterness that spews darkness into our days on this earth - the greed and self-seeking sin of man that has been alive and well since the prince of darkness was allowed to roam on it - why don't we seek after the light with all our might?  The wise men traveled over 500 miles by camel following the star, can we just stop and seek the light in our bible, our churches, our hearts?

     The morning star rises within me tonight just by taking the time to turn off the tv and sit in the light of the fireplace.  It happened by simply taking the time to turn my heart from the darkness of the world - to turn off the barking heads that spew what they think is enlightenment, sure that their solutions will  light the world - though they never seem to.   And more than just turning toward some earthly warmth in the light  of a quiet evening in front of the fire - turning toward THE LIGHT.  THE LIGHT that works miracles in the darkest of hearts - that sparks love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Gal. 5).  THE  REAL LIGHT that I have  personally seen turn lives around, spark forgiveness, reconciliation, and compromise, that can take away the addicts burning drive, that can bring peace out of confusion, and harmony out of disscordance.  THE REAL LIGHT that comes when we take our eyes off of complaining about the darkness in the world to focus on "whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy- (and) think on these things  (Phil.  4:8.)

     I am thankful for this fascination with light of lately that has come upon me unbidden - because it has pointed me once again to the Light that holds all the answers, the Light of the world.  But even more than that -  the Light that gives us hope in  the midst of the darkness  -  the light that will shine when Revelation 2:25 tells us that "there will be no more light.  They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light.  And they will reign for ever and ever." 

     I choose to be a child of the light - and stand here amazed to be able to be.


Come and see, 
THE LIGHT is here
To light the night
And calm our fear.

The wise men came.
They saw the star.
Even Herod believed them
As they came from afar.  

A King was born
In the dark of the night.
His GLORY shone.
Shepherds cowered in fright.

But they need not have feared 
The light of angels praising a Savior born,
Whose death one day 
Caused the curtain to be torn.

For LIGHT had arrived!
All mankind inclined
To hear this story
That has withheld the test of time.

They hear the story.
But do they see
THE LIGHT that has come
To you and me?

The prisoner set free.
The alcoholic now dry.
The believer on his deathbed
No longer afraid to die.

The flame not extinguished 
By tyranny and rule
The passion that oppression
Cannot quench and cool.  

Darekness abounds.
But THE LIGHT is no tale.
The angels at the tomb 
Announced in light He'll prevail.

So listen -
Come and see THE LIGHT
That warms the soul 
And lights the night.

THE LIGHT of the world
Is plain to see
But only from vantage point
Of bended knee.   





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