Friday, February 24, 2023

Learning How To Abide


I love how in this study of John 1,2 and 3, he continually refers to us as little children. 

It caused me to  remember once trying to comfort my little doggy who was shaking in fear of the thunder.  I held her, whispered that I had her, that it was going to be ok, but the thunder didn't stop and neither did her shaking.  The  thought then came to me that's what God wants from me - to be comforted even in the midst of storms.  To turn to Him and believe Him that no matter the storms, He will be with me and will lead me through.  And to take in His word carefully and consistently, letting Him hold and guide me.  Sometimes that's not easy, in this world of dividing voices but I've come ro know that sometimes I must wait for insight, listening to my own discernment, thoroughly studying alternate interpretations, and humbly being open to consider them, while always measuring them against the fruit of the spirit which is the yardstick of knowing if I am walking in His ways,  I must constantly ask if my reactions are full of the Galatians 5 fruit of the spirit:  love, joy, peace patience, kindness, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness and self-control. 

I am so thankful that so much of God's word is not open to interpretation. It is straightforward - and clear.  One of His attributes (that is pointed out in this study) is  that we can rest and abide in His promise to be with us always, that He is a light in the darkness of this world, a real, present help in time of trouble. 

I strongly recommend this study by Jen Wilkin, to help you understand what contentment can come from learning to  abide in Christ.  Yes, that means living in Him, taking every thought captive, surrendering to whatever He allows in our paths and turning to Him as to how to navigate through it.  Notice that I said LEARNING to abide - it is not our natural emotional circuit, but learning to abide in Him can surely short-circuit and calm some of the natural negative emotions that come from experiencing life in this world. It takes practicing His presence, and learning to crawl up into His lap when facing fear, disappointment, dread, and all those other emotions that rise up along with the storms of life.  

I invite you into some of my thoughts that have been stirred to poetry as I consider what it means to abide: 

Learning to Abide

Oh, my little children, (I John 2:1)  
If only you knew 
The peace you often forfeit
As you look through your childish view.

You only see your life
Through lenses by which the world have clouded.
You often look right past 
How we are all surrounded...

By the evil one who lurks. 
And who makes the bad look good,
Who deceives us and confuses
And keeps us from what we should...

If we abide in His Word.
It's our only hope.
It lifts the veil from our eyes
And gives us perspective to cope...

As we navigate this life, 
And learn what it means to abide 
In the One who grows the fruit
That is so easy to hide...

Behind the idols that so deceitfully entice,
And promise to deliver what's good and right,
But we do this in our own strength and stumble
And often become part of the night.

Our fruit decays and turns
From gentleness and kindness and peace,
And morphs into frustration 
And bitter anger released. 

We become part of the problem.
Our joys are like butterflies deceased,
Here today, gone tomorrow,
The world never brings lasting peace.

He won't always take away the storm
But will hold us and guide us through,
He'll calm you and shed His peaceful light
And shepherd you on what next to do.

So, children, open your eyes, 
Lift them to the One who saves,
Keep your eyes from dwelling on the worldly darkness
And work at discerning how to walk in HIs ways.
                    -by Sherrill Schlimpert

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